Nashley House
Our home’s much-loved Activity & Wellbeing Coordinator Vicky organises a varied monthly programme of Events, a majority of which are suggestions from our Residents.
“Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.”
This includes an array of activities from gardening, dancing, painting, quizzes, skittles, exercise classes, Tai Chi to live bands. Performers from the area regularly visit and entertain Residents with songs, sketches, singing and dancing, and members of neighbourhood groups, volunteers and other locals often drop in for a cup of tea and a chat.
To add to this variety many residents take pleasure in pamper days, which include visiting the hair salon or having their nails manicured.
Residents also like to order a takeaway and currently the firm favourite is traditional fish and chips supper and a Chinese sweet and sour with fried rice.
In the warmer weather we are able to go out and about for trips along the seafront for afternoon tea or an ice cream and we arrange coach trips to local beauty spots.
We also go to the local theatres and museums to enjoy shows all year round including opera, ballet, comedy, music and pantomime performances.
We do understand that group Activities are not for everyone, by getting to know each individual, our carers are able to encourage residents to take part in the life of the home in some form, this maybe by enjoying the simple pleasures having some time alone or taking a morning walk in the garden, reading a book from the library, feeding the Fish, chatting with other resident’s. We want these moments to be as joyful as any other.

Families & Friends:
Those who are important in people’s personal lives – their partners, carers, family members and friends – should remain important when they move into a care home. This is vital to residents’ wellbeing and safety. We have an open visiting policy and encourage friends and family to visit at any time. Visitors are also welcome to join residents for a cup of tea or a meal in their home.
If you are unable to visit we have various technology aids which we can assist you in talking and seeing your loved one through the use of Whatsapp, Messenger, Skype and Zoom.
Community links
Nashley House has a close association with the local community and in particular links with The Friends of Christ Church and the young people of ready steady go playgroup. Research shows that developing relationships between the elderly and the young benefits the wellbeing of both parties and we have certainly found this to be true as when the youngsters visit the residents eyes light up and the smiles appear.
“The children visit every Wednesday and it is like a breath of fresh air, tumbling into the home!’’ Said MF a resident
Christ Church is our local church and they support our residents with an in house monthly church service for all denominations to enjoy with tea and cake.
We also have an on-going relationship with our local museum whose volunteers visit with historical items to invoke interest and nostalgia.

Supporting the Community
We believe that charity begins at home and it’s important to us to support locally.