A collective experience
of more than 30 years

Nashley house is owned and run by Cliodhna and Ingrid who are both registered trained nurses with a collective experience of more than 30 years.

“We pride ourselves on being an independent family run care home. As care providers, we feel that it’s our duty to go above and beyond for our residents.”

“We want everything we do in our home to be driven by the needs, abilities and aspirations of our residents. In order to do this, we make sure that we get to know all our residents and their loved ones personally – not just when they arrive, but consistently throughout their stay. By understanding our residents’ interests and stories, we are able to tailor their experience with us to be as fun, fulfilling and enriching as possible.”

Nashley House Care Home, Weston-super-Mare

The highest level of care

It is important to us that all of our residents feel completely at home with us and feel they have the right to make independent decisions about their lifestyles within our community. All residents are treated with dignity, compassion and with respect for their privacy and our staff appreciate that their place of work is our residents’ home.

We are always looking at ways to improve and we believe in supporting our team by creating an environment that encourages teamwork and innovative thinking as well as offering training and regular feedback at all levels.

Staff – A professional care team

Nashley House has a dedicated and professional care team, fully committed to providing compassionate and sensitive care to all residents. Their qualifications range from NVQ Level 2 to Level 5 in Health and Social Care.

The Management Team considers staff training to be a key feature of the “quality management system” at Nashley House. Therefore, newly recruited care staff members who do not hold an appropriate care qualification, will be enrolled on a suitable Health and Social Care course during their induction training, thus ensuring the Home always has a complement of highly skilled and qualified carers.

Nashley House is fully committed to the professional development of its staff members, thus ensuring they have the appropriate skills to deliver the best possible care, which enables our residents to live dignified and fulfilled lives.

Nashley House Staff
Nashley House - Who we work with

Who we work with

We work alongside health and social care commissioners and agencies to help provide the most appropriate care and support for our residents’ health and well-being.

Our care teams will work as closely as possible with you, your loved ones and your medical team in order to create a care plan tailored specifically to you, which is reviewed on a regular basis. We want the care you receive to be as personal to you as possible so we strongly value you and your loved ones’ assistance in its development and review.

Get in touch
We welcome any questions, concerns or feedback